Choose Your Mold Group!

The Gaited Horse

Do you have a Grand Champion in this pose?
Check out the Gaited Horse: Sometimes a mare, sometimes a stallion!
He/She is in a class by him/herself.

The GC Mares

There are about 7 mare Poses.
Three of the most common are pictured at right. Click through here to go to the Mare Page, see them all, and find yours!.

The GC Stallions

There are about 12 stallion poses.
Three of the most common are pictured at right. Click through here to see them all and find the right one.

The GC Foals

There are 4 Poses for Foals.
The molds themselves have no indication of gender. The three most common are pictured to the right. Click through here to go to the Foal Page.

Terrible Horse Country Molds

Do you have one of these three, fugly molds?
They're not real Champions. They're from "Horse Country," an abortion that the GC makers left in 2007's dumpster. These Ugmo's are considered stallions, but not all of them have stallion lumps.
Skip the boy/girl confusion and click through here to go directly to their page.

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Champion Valley Stables